Healing Takes Time

Healing takes time. Sometimes, you're heading in one direction, and a new revelation causes you to go another. I started healing after leaving my marriage. I got my first full-time job, went through court stuff, and learned how to be patient with my words and posts. And then the healing made a detour. I acknowledged… Continue reading Healing Takes Time

It’s a New Dawn, A New Day, A New Year and I’m Feeling Good

  Happy New Year! Let's be real here, I love new year's day. There is something uplifting about reflecting over the past twelve months and setting goals for the future. I love challenging myself and have on many occasions added more to the proverbial plate than I should. In many ways, that's how my 2021… Continue reading It’s a New Dawn, A New Day, A New Year and I’m Feeling Good

Goodbye, 2020. Hello, 2021!

By the time you read this, the new year would have begun. 2020 has been a year of pain, struggle, hate, and love. We can all honestly say that this year was difficult for everyone. But, let's look at the small positives (and I do mean small): more and more people are recognizing the struggles… Continue reading Goodbye, 2020. Hello, 2021!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! (Please read because new things are to come!)

Goodbye, 2019 and hello, 2020! It is the year of perfect sight and we should all be more observant. Okay, that sounded better in my head. But, honestly, this is definitely going to be a good year. Why? Well, I'm here, aren't I? I honestly don't remember what my resolutions were for 2019 and I'm… Continue reading HAPPY NEW YEAR! (Please read because new things are to come!)